Thursday, March 31, 2011

Me? Blog? Whaaaaaat???

Blogging is completely new territory to me.  I've never blogged before
and I'm not sure how to even do it!  Hopefully, I'll figure it out
though.  =)  My husband has been gently nudging me for awhile now to
start my own blog.  I always scoffed at the idea, making excellent
excuses as to why I shouldn't.  Some of  them being:  I don't have the
time or energy (having a 20 month old and a 5 month old keeps me busy); I
haven't had a creative thought in quite awhile (mainly due to sleep
deprivation); or my favorite excuse - I'm not a writer!

But then, one afternoon, while rocking Grace to sleep for a nap, I was
bombarded with a flood of thoughts and ideas for a blog of my own.  It
really surprised me, since blogging wasn't even on my radar.  I'm not
sure why I suddenly had these thoughts - so completely out of nowhere -
but it left me with a strong impression to go for it ... and even a
desire to do it.  So, here I am.  Excited, and a little nervous.  But
isn't that how all great things in life begin?!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Inspiration

A couple of years ago I found a super cool T-shirt in a tiny thrift
store.  It was blue with silver letters stating:  "The World Needs More
Hugs".  I instantly LOVED it.  It's not incredibly profound, but it is
incredibly true!  The world does need more hugs.  I mean, who wouldn't
like more hugs in their life?  In a world so detached from one another,
a simple hug does wonders for your soul.  It connects us to others and
makes us feel good.  Especially when a hug is given at that perfect time
- when you've had a really hard day and just need a good, hard squeeze.
Or sweet little hugs that come from our kids with sticky fingers that
completely melt your heart.  Perhaps, an unexpected hug from your
spouse; one where no words are needed to go with it, just being in their
embrace is healing all by itself.  So let's not be so stingy with our
hugs anymore. You very well could make someone's entire day just by
giving them one.