Monday, August 29, 2011

Looking for a good novel anyone???

A Daughters Inheritance (Broadmoor Legacy, Book 1)
If you're looking for a good novel to read, I'd recommend this book!  It is the first book in a series of three and it is currently what I'm reading at the moment.  This book has really pulled me in and I'm almost half way through it at the moment.  It especially interests me because the story takes place on The 1000 Islands, which is right next door to where I live!  It is a very stunning place and so far, so is this book.  If anyone else decides to read this series in the near future let me know how you like it, I'd love to have a chat about it!  Reading is a favorite past time of mine and getting lost in a good novel works wonders at keeping the stress at bay.   =)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How Do You View "The Church"?

At church this past Sunday, our pastor preached a really profound message.  So much so, in my opinion, that I am going to share it on my blog.  I've put a link to a video of this sermon at the end of this post and I pray that you will take the time to watch and listen to the message.  You will notice that the video is over 2 hours long because it includes worship (which was also amazing by the way), but if you want to skip directly to the message just go to appx. the 165 minute marker and watch from there.  Take my word, it is well worth your time - I promise!

If you've ever had a bad experience with church, please watch this video.  If you've ever thought or spoken negatively about church in the general sense, please watch this video.  If you've ever criticized the church in any form or fashion, please watch this video.  If you've ever believed that the church has become just another institution or building and that it is far from God's plan, then PLEASE watch this video!  If you've ever believed the thought that church isn't about "four walls" or that God is doing a "new thing" which means church is no longer part of His plan, then PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE watch this video!!!  Okay, I think that about covers all of us!

I hope that those of you who take the time to watch this message will be blessed and challenged by the truth of God's Word.  I know I was.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

More Great Music

Thanks to K-LOVE I heard some more great music that I really love. This guy's name is Shawn McDonald and you should really check out some more of his stuff on YouTube. His personal testimony is awesome as well! This song is called "Rise". Hope you love it too!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Unspoken Prayers...

Today I want to share part of my daily devotional with you, as it really resonated with me and touched my heart.  I think all of us can relate to this unknown soldiers "prayer".  God seems to do things different than how we would choose to do them, and often times it is hard to understand Him.  The below prayer reminds us that not only does He know whats best for us, but since He has the big picture in mind with what is eternally best for us, we would be wise to trust Him in ALL things.  Hope this blesses you too!

I asked for strength that I might achieve;
I was made weak that I might learn to humbly obey.
I asked for health that I might do greater things;
I was given infirmity that I might do better things.
I asked for riches that I might be happy;
I was given poverty that I might be wise.
I asked for power that I might have the praise of men;
I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God.
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life;
I was given life that I might enjoy all things.
I got nothing that I had asked for;
but everything I had hoped for.
Almost despite of myself my unspoken prayers were answered;
I am, among all men, most richley blessed.

- An Unknown Confederate Soldier

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mopping & Memories

I just finished mopping the floors, something I don't do nearly as often as I probably should by the way!  It's funny how I always dread doing it, but as soon as I get started and crank up some South African jazz music, I go into a zone and I ALWAYS think of the same thing, a memory that never leaves me whenever I'm mopping...  I think back to a friend of mine from Zimbabwe, who I met in South Africa, Charity.  She is my age and we went to Bible School together for 2 years and were roommates for one of those years.  Charity changed my life in many ways....  Through her I began to understand the culture and the mindsets of the people there.  She taught me so much just by being herself and I never realized just how much she did this until just now, as I'm writing this!

The memory I always recall when I'm mopping happened at the very beginning of Bible School.  We all had duties, or chores, and mine at that time was to mop the floors.  One day as I set out to do my duty, Charity followed me and sat by and watched me as I began to mop.  She had a huge smile on her face as she sat down to watch me and I could tell she was quite amused by me.  I asked her what was so funny and she told me that she had never in her life seen a white person - let alone an American - mop floors before and that this ought to be good!  I was stunned by her statement - how could she never have seen a white person mop floors before???  I quickly told her that the majority of Americans mop their own floors, which likewise stunned her.  Major culture difference!

Anyways, as Charity watched me work and we talked together, she couldn't help herself but to show me how to do a better, more efficient job!  Ha!  She explained to me that the only way to get the floor well cleaned was to get on my hands and knees.  Ummmm, no thanks was my first thought!  But she was right, of course, a mop just doesn't always cut it.  Thanks Charity for giving this lazy American some good advice!  That day we peeked into each others lives a little further than before.  For her, I believe a stereo-type of Americans was being broken.  For me, a deeper understanding of her and where she was coming from was taking shape.  Africa.... I have so many wonderful memories of you.  Not a day goes by that I don't think of you!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Benjamin the TWO Year Old!

It's been over a month since I last wrote a post, so it's good to be back!  It was a nice little break but I miss blogging and look forward to get back into it again.  :)

Two weeks ago on July 17th, my first born turned TWO!  I can hardly believe my sweet Benjamin is a full blown toddler now and not my little baby.  We had lots of fun celebrating his big day by going to the Thompson Park Zoo which he really enjoyed discovering the animals.  We also had some friends over for a little party with a race car track cake I made for him, and a fun time was had by all!

Benjamin continues to be his goofy and sweet self.  He loves the warm weather just like his mama and wakes up grabbing his shoes and running to the door all ready to go outside and play!  His favorite toys are his Mega Blocks and play food (he's getting into pretend play now).  He absolutely LOVES playing with water in any capacity and his favorite thing to watch on TV now is Sesame Street and Veggies Tales.  But his favortite past time is killing flies with daddy!  He has his own fly swatter and it is the cutest thing to watch him follow his daddy around the house chasing flies!  He has his daddy's skills too - seriously, he is a "mini-Steve" in so many ways!

Benjamin continues to adore his little sister - most of the time!  He needs some space away from her too though since Grace is always obsessed with her big brother and always wants to play with his toys and climb on top of him.  They are two peas in a pod though!  It is so sweet.

The summer has been good to us all (although Steve daily talks about how much he misses winter)!  The days have been sweet and pleasant.  It's been so good to enjoy and delight in the kids lately.  We're in a good groove right now with life running smoothly and it's been a welcome change to the more challenging times we experienced during the winter.  Our summer in NNY has been gorgeous, but I can't help to look forward to my favorite season of all - Autumn!  I will enjoy the rest of this summer first though.  ;)