Monday, October 22, 2012

An Anniversary Surprise

We are now four years happily married!  Wow!  Steve planned a very special getaway to celebrate our anniversary on an island at a cozy little cottage on the waters of Lake Ontatrio.  It was awonderful surprise, as he kept the whole getaway a secret, and he did very well!  I love you bunnies!  And here's to another four decades!  Mwah!

Here's a few pics:
PS:  A special thanks to my mom for watching the kids so we could get away!  :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Glory of Autumn

Autumn is hands down the most beautiful season out of the four.  At least it is for those who live in the north.  :)  Watching the leaves turn from green into the most bright and vivid colors imaginable is nothing short of spectacular!  I've been pondering something regarding fall for a few weeks now and so I thought I'd share it with you.  It really spoke to my heart and I hope it speaks to yours as well.

It started with a conversation I had with my Grandma Edie.  We were talking about the weather and how autumn was just arriving.  As I told her that the leaves up here in NNY were just starting to turn colors and how beautiful it was, she told me that, unfortunately, that wasn't the case for her this year out in Colorado.  With not enough rainfall this summer, they had suffered a drought.  She told me how the leaves on the Heavenly Maple tree in her yard didn't turn any colors!  Instead, her beloved trees leaves just fell to the ground when the weather got cooler and shriveled up on the grass colorless.  She explained to me how disappointing it was to not get to watch one of her favorite trees display it's brilliant colors this fall.  The only thing it left her with was a bunch of ugly dead leaves on the ground to be raked up!  When she told me this I understood her disappointment.  How sad to not be able to enjoy something so lovely as a maple tree at the peak of its glory. 
After that conversation with my grandma it got me to thinking.  It dawned on me just how much we as individuals are like that tree.  If we don't get enough water we too will have leaves that, instead of displaying all their splendor and beauty when the season changes, will fall to the ground unchanged to dry out.  Do you see a parallel too?   I really felt the Holy Spirit showed me this truth, so simple, and yet it has been so profound to me.  If we as Christians don't receive enough of God -- the watering of being in His Word, the refreshment of being in His presence and a daily awareness of our need for the cleansing power of Jesus' blood -- then we too might miss out on the beauty God has in store for us.  It is so important, crucial really, that we get enough water!

I also thought of how sad and disappointing it must be for God to miss out on watching His "trees" display their beauty the way God intended them to, just as it was sad and disappointing for my grandma to watch her maple tree.  Surely we grieve God when we don't live our life to the fullness and richness that only He can offer.  But as God always does, He doesn't let it end there.  Nope.  He doesn't let us feel awful about screwing up or making some bad choices.  Nope, not our God.  Instead, He gives us another chance.  He brings us into a new season and reminds us that there will be another autumn.  That there is hope.  And there is always a better future.  It's like when my grandma told me that the tree itself was not dead, so there's always the hope that next year will be different, that it will be the way it's intended to be -- a beautiful tree in the fullness of its glory, just the way God created it to be.  And so it is with us.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October Baby

October Baby    -     
        By: Eric Wilson
What a movie.  Seriously, I hope every single person who reads this post will please go rent this movie!  The story, the message, the intensity - amazing.  Prepare to bawl your eyes out, so grab your tissues!  I think that after watching this movie anyone who was pro-choice before it will seriously question that belief.  It's a powerful film with a beautiful message....  Life. Is. Precious.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Avon Anyone?!

Perhaps you haven't heard yet that I'm selling Avon!  It's going on two months now and I'm really enjoying it.  I've actually been a little surprised at how much I'm enjoying it!  So far it's going well too, so that's always nice of course (a BIG thanks to you if you're already a customer).  :)  Since becoming a rep I've become acquainted with many of there products and am super impressed with the quality and the price.  Instead of paying the same price (or maybe even more) at the store, you can be better quality skin care,make up, and more from Avon!  There stuff is great and if you're interested in supporting me through Avon please check out my website:

Avon is an especially wonderful place to shop for Christmas gifts too!  Ordering online is a piece of cake and obtaining free shipping is super easy to achieve.  :)    You can even page through thier brochure online buy clicking on the "eBrochure" option in the upper right hand corner.  It's just like paging through a real brochure in your hands! 

Hope you check it out!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Grammy's Visit

My mom came up for a week long visit in early October and it was the best!  One week was too short and we all miss her terribly.  :(  The kids want Grammy to come back and so do I!!!  We had a great time together doing lots of fun things together.  A trip to the apple orchard, pumpkin patch, the fall festival at the library, and let's not forget the 24-hour "Grammy Day" the kids got to have while Steve and I headed out for an early anniversary celebration!  It was a fabulous time had by all, except for saying good bye.  It's a hard life living so far away from family.....  Here's some pictures of our time together: