Monday, April 30, 2012

Playin' Around

Are you liking the slideshow feature I just figured out?! I'm loving it! Here's some recent pictures of me and the kids goofing around (and some of Gracie just sitting around and being pretty)!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Message

I have been wanting to read "The Message" translation of the Bible for years now and just haven't gotten around to it.  That is until now.  The timing to start reading through the Bible again just seems right for me (when is there ever a wrong time?) and so this time around I'm going to read the Message. Everytime I've heard this translation in Scripture I've always been "wowed" by how it's written.  It's so fresh and alive!  In reading the preface and introduction to the Message, the author, Eugene H. Peterson, says this, "You are going to come across words and sentences that stab you awake to a beauty and hope that will connect you with your real life."  Sounds good to me!  Previously he writes of a common problem among Christians and says, "Many others had spent years reading it (Bible) but for them it had gone flat through familiararity, reduced to cliches.  Bored, they dropped it (Bible)."  How true this is or can become for us, right?

So, I've chosen a Bible reading plan that will have me reading the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs (twice) from now until the end of this year.  Is anyone up to join me?  It only means reading two chapters a day, one from the New Testament and one from either Psalms or Proverbs.  I'm going to get started on May 1st.  Sometimes it's easier to stick with a plan when you're in it together with someone and have that accountability keeping you on track....  Email me or write a comment if you want to do this thing with me!  :) 

Friday, April 27, 2012


It's been over a month now that I signed off from Facebook and I can honestly tell you that I've never looked back!  Before I left I thought I might miss it some or be tempted a little bit to take a quick peek, but thankfully that has not been the case.  Truthfully I don't know how I ever had all the time I spent on Facebook.  My life has been as busy as ever since "leaving" (the good kind of busy I might add), but now I don't have that pull of FB nagging at me.  It really is wonderfulness!  It's been very freeing to not be wrapped up in it all.  I say all this not to brag on myself or to make anyone feel guilty.  That's not my intentions at all.  I bring it up because many people have asked me out of curiousity how it's been for me since leaving Facebook, so I just thought I'd let you all know.  For me life is richer, fuller, less stressful and anxious, less pre-occupied with "stuff", more focused and engaged in the actual people around me (not just my immediate family, but neighbors and friends), and the list could go on!  So there you have it.  And don't think it's not a sacrifice for me because it is!  I also have friends and family all over the world on Facebook, which is the biggest reason why I've heard people say they could never get off of it, and of course it's nice to stay connected with those people who are so far away from you. 

However, don't be surprised when you see me back on there when my children become teenagers - I will be spying on them like a hawk!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Breaking Free

Breaking Free: Discover the Victory of Total Surrender [Book]
I recenty finished a 10 week Bible study (although it took me about 15 weeks to complete) from Beth Moore called "Breaking Free" and what a journey it was!  I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I signed up for this study, only a desire to go deeper with God, and well, I got my wish!  It turned out to be an intense time, but oh so worth it.  This was my first Beth Moore Bible study and I just loved it.  She has a lot of personality and is so much fun to listen to.  If you're considering taking one of her Bible studies I'd like to encourage you to go for it!  You won't be sorry.  Are we ever sorry when we dive deeper with God?  Nope, He is always faithful.  He always loves us and desires more of us.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Owl

This video is nearly a year old and it seems that not much has changed.  Both kids still love the "owl" glasses and Grace is still a noisy little girl!  :) 

Saturday, April 21, 2012


A couple of weeks ago the kids and I joined the YMCA (woot-woot)!  I'm one of those annoying women who can honestly say they love working out.  But it takes a gym membership to get my booty in gear.  ;)  Needless to say it's been fantastic to be getting into a routine and re-learning the weight machines.  Today I took my first ever Zumba class and I am totally and completely hooked already!  On top of getting an insane workout, it brings back to life one of my passions - salsa dancing!  Lovin' it!  And the best part about the whole thing is that both of my little munchkins have so much fun in the daycare there.  That makes for one happy mama.  :)

Friday, April 20, 2012


Steve and I sometimes tune in to American Idol and last night we watched the mohawk sportin' dude (I think his name is Colten?) get voted off.  He sang this song from Lifehouse, one of my favorite bands, as his last song on the show and it was pretty awesome!  This song is years old, but it is somewhat new to me and I wanted to share it with you because it's a very beautiful and powerful song.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Big Boy Bed

This video was taken awhile back (Thanksgiving 2011).  Benjamin was super excited about getting a "Big Boy" bed and even helped daddy put it together!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Super Simple Songs

Steve stumbled onto these songs on YouTube one night when Benjamin asked to sing one of his favorite songs, "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star".  I just had to share these videos from "Super Simple Songs" with you because they are so sweet and if you have small children maybe it will be something both parent and child will enjoy.  Benjamin especially likes this song, The ABC's, and Ten Little Bears, all of which he sings with too!  :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Album

Here are all the pictures from Easter.  I don't know if this is going to work, but I hope so.  Just click on the link and enjoy!

Video of Grace's 1st Birthday!

This video was taken on Grace's 1st Birthday.  She was feeling under the weather that day, but good enough to enjoy her some pizza and brownies!  I'm so glad I can finally share this with my family.  :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A few random things...

I've had a lot of people tell me they're having problems making comments on the blog.  I'm so sorry about that, I know how frustrating it can be to take the time to write something out only to lose it in the end!    I've also had a hard time making comments on other blogs and it's annoying and I wish I knew what the problem was.  So don't worry about writing comments on here.  It's okay.  :)

On another note, I thought you'd like to know what Gracie's favorite thing to do these days is:

Yep, she loves to "point" to her nose, except instead of actually pointing she is jamming her finger up her nostril as far as it will go!  It's super cute really.  She also LOVES doggies and spends her days barking around the house looking for doggies (since we don't have a dog this is quote funny).

Benjamin is going on three weeks now with out his pacifier (except for when he sleeps) and he handled it like a champ!  No meltdowns or tantrums - he is a big boy.  And the reason it went over so well is because of his daddy.  Big props up to Steve, thanks babe, you are a such a great daddy!  And ever since we got that paci out of his mouth our big boy is really talking it up.  Just a few days ago he made me a very proud mama when I overheard him counting his blocks out loud and he counted 1-10 all on his own perfectly!  Seriously, this kids continues to amaze me.  I didn't even realize he knew all those numbers, let alone could count them in order.  :)   And his little voice is so sweet.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Teaser

Happy Easter everyone!  We had a wonderful Easter weekend here at the Ghiringhelli's home and I hope you did with your loved ones as well.  I love celebrating this glorious holiday and with each passing year Easter, and all that it stands for (Jesus' resurrection and triumph over death), means more to me as my love for Him grows deeper and deeper.  I hope that resonates with you as well.  On top of that most precious joy, is the fun of family traditions that we are starting now as a young family!  Easter egg hunts, pretty dresses, chocolate bunnies, a nice Easter meal, etc....  It's been so much fun!  Here are only a few pictures from this past weekend.  I will post the whole album as soon as I can remember how to do that.  ;)


Thursday, April 5, 2012

This One's for Grandpa Dave!

Steve captured Benjamin's deep despair in this video taken last year September after a visit from Grandpa Dave & Grammy.  Benjamin and Grandpa are two peas in a pod!  Here Benjamin's listening to a message from Grandpa on the answering machine and is clearly very sad that Grandpa had to go.  :(  Benjamin misses you Grandpa!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

JJ Heller - Boat Song

Here's one of my favorite songs from JJ.  It's also one of my fave songs to sing with Steve while he plays the guitar!  :)  JJ Heller and her husband made this video on their own in their dining room and it is super cute.  I just discovered that she will be in Syracuse for a concert in a couple weeks - YAY!  I hope I can make it.  :)  Enjoy the song.

Monday, April 2, 2012

A money saving tip!

Tipnuts Homemade Laundry Detergent

Maybe you're like me and love finding easy ways to save BIG money!  Here's an idea for you of something I've been doing for ove a year now and believe me - you will save a ton of money!  I make my own laundry detergent and not only is it really easy and cheap, it works great.  If you also want to give it a try just go to the link below and you'll lots of different recipe ideas to try.  I use Recipe #4 whic his a powdered detergent.  I prefer using Ivory as my bar soap because I like the smell.  You can buy all the ingredients at Walmart for super cheap and I prefer to double the recipe so that it will last me longer.  When I double it it seems to last me around 6 months!  I've discovered along the way that buying a good quality dryer sheet (I use Snuggle) will help to give your laundry that wonderful, clean smell that we all love.  The biggest complaint about homemade laundry detergents seems to be the lack of smelling fresh and clean (even though your clothes are prefectly clean with these ingredients), so using a dryer sheet will give you that smell!  Also, I have two little kids and use this detergent on thier clothes and they have not had any issues with it as far as allergies or sensitivities go.  Let me know if you decide to try one of these recipes out.  I'm still experimenting with homemade dishwashing machine detergent, I will keep you posted!