Friday, April 27, 2012


It's been over a month now that I signed off from Facebook and I can honestly tell you that I've never looked back!  Before I left I thought I might miss it some or be tempted a little bit to take a quick peek, but thankfully that has not been the case.  Truthfully I don't know how I ever had all the time I spent on Facebook.  My life has been as busy as ever since "leaving" (the good kind of busy I might add), but now I don't have that pull of FB nagging at me.  It really is wonderfulness!  It's been very freeing to not be wrapped up in it all.  I say all this not to brag on myself or to make anyone feel guilty.  That's not my intentions at all.  I bring it up because many people have asked me out of curiousity how it's been for me since leaving Facebook, so I just thought I'd let you all know.  For me life is richer, fuller, less stressful and anxious, less pre-occupied with "stuff", more focused and engaged in the actual people around me (not just my immediate family, but neighbors and friends), and the list could go on!  So there you have it.  And don't think it's not a sacrifice for me because it is!  I also have friends and family all over the world on Facebook, which is the biggest reason why I've heard people say they could never get off of it, and of course it's nice to stay connected with those people who are so far away from you. 

However, don't be surprised when you see me back on there when my children become teenagers - I will be spying on them like a hawk!!!


  1. More power to you Jen! I can see how fb can become very consuming! And for everything there is a season...Actually, do you know when it was the first time I heard about FB? It was from Steven b' u were in it! And he tried to explain to me what it was and I did not understand it until I did follow directions and was able to see your profile and... it had changed! you wrote that you were in a relationship! He was too happy to even believe it and that's when all started for me!

  2. Awwwww, thanks for sharing that story Ercy! I remember when all of that happened too. :) And yes, you're right. There is a time for every season... It's funny because fb has only been around for a few years and yet it's hard to remember that most of my life fb didn't even exist (rewind only 5 years ago for me)!!! I lived most of my life in South Africa without it...and I survived! Not only that but I also stay connected with people too. :)

    Oops, there I go ranting again!
