Thursday, June 28, 2012

Vacay Time!

I will be MIA for the next few weeks, as we're heading down south for a Ghiringhelli family reunion!  =)  Hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far and have a a great 4th of July while you're at it!  Write to y'all later.  Peace.

~ Jen

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Flowers here and there...

It's no secret that I'm not much of a gardener.  Mainly because I've never had the opportunity to garden until now because of becoming a home owner.  Immediately after buying our house I began imagining the beautiful flower gardens in the front yard, and even a patch of earth in the backyard for a vegetable garden, that I would plant this spring and summer.  And then reality sunk in.  With two young toddlers at home to take care of all day long, this stay at home mom would have to wait another year or two for my gardening aspirations to begin!  :)  A little sad that my time for gardening hasn't yet quite arrived, I realized that it's something for me to ease into anyway.  Having never gardened in my life, this is a whole new world for me and I have a lot to learn.  Thank goodness for all the information that can be found on the internet!

So, I started small.  Steve gave me a hanging flower plant on Mother's Day for our front porch, which is beautiful and unlike any other I've ever seen.  The women's group I go to from church helped out too because at the last meeting of the year they gave all of us a couple of flowers to plant.  Then there are the flowers that were already here when we moved in; a beautiful, white rose bush as well as some other plants/flowers that I haven't yet figured out what they are.  One of which I didn't get a photo of because just as quickly as the flowers bloomed, they also disappeared just as fast.  And what a shame because these flowers were magnificent!  Of course, we have some wild flowers as well, back in the woods.  Last, but not least, I decided I atleast needed to grow some tomatoes in honor of  
the veggie garden that had to wait.  Instead of planting my tomato plant in a traditional way (ie: the ground or in a pot), I bought a Topsy Turvey upside down planter.  It's an experiment and it will be fun to see if it actually works!

So, there you have it.  Click on the link below to have yourself a look at some of the flowers I've been trying to keep alive!  I must say that I really do love nature and watching these flowers grow is bringing me so much pleasure.  :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Happy Daddy's Day!

Here are some pictures from Father's Day. We all had a really great day celebrating Steve and the wonderful daddy he is to our little bambinos! We decided to check out Westcott Beach on that beautiful day and we all had a blast there! I wish we would have known of this place earlier because it's stunning and the perfect place to bring the family for the day. Next time we'll pack the swim suits - HA! Since we didn't know what to expect on our first visit, we figured we'd just splash around in the water for a few minutes with the kids and then head out, but we stayed for quite a bit and could have stayed much longer! :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

From Pools to Pigtails!

The weather was warm and beautiful a few weeks ago (unfortunately that hasn't been the case recently but hopefully the warm sun will return to us again one of these days) and so we got the kids their first kiddie pool for some fun in the sun. There is something so incredibly cute about little ones in their tiny swimsuits, splashing around in the water!  Benjamin, who is especially fond of tigers, is thrilled to have a tiger pool, just in case you were wondering.  :)  Today I had the joy of pulling my little Grace Willow hair back into her first ever ponytail and pigtails!  I have been looking forward to this moment for a long, long time.  With her tight and tiny little curls it has been an especially long wait, but it has certainly been worth it!  Here are the cutie pies......