Monday, June 4, 2012

From Pools to Pigtails!

The weather was warm and beautiful a few weeks ago (unfortunately that hasn't been the case recently but hopefully the warm sun will return to us again one of these days) and so we got the kids their first kiddie pool for some fun in the sun. There is something so incredibly cute about little ones in their tiny swimsuits, splashing around in the water!  Benjamin, who is especially fond of tigers, is thrilled to have a tiger pool, just in case you were wondering.  :)  Today I had the joy of pulling my little Grace Willow hair back into her first ever ponytail and pigtails!  I have been looking forward to this moment for a long, long time.  With her tight and tiny little curls it has been an especially long wait, but it has certainly been worth it!  Here are the cutie pies......


  1. The kids are so cute enjoying their pool. Luv Gracie's little bikini and tummy and of course her pony & pigtails. I bet Benjamin really likes his pool. Does he know who Tony the Tiger is?

    1. Thanks mom! She is a cutie pie, well they both are! Benjamin doesn't know who Tony the Tiger is yet...I'll have to buy him a box Frosted Flakes to show him. :) We all miss you!

  2. My little babies are getting so big so quickly!!!

    1. I know!!! It goes by so fast! You know what that means..... :)
