Monday, October 28, 2013

The House of God Forever

This song is what's been playing in my ear for the last few months.  You see my husband and I lost our baby nearly 3 months ago.  When we found out our little baby of 11 weeks pregnant, heart stopped beating, a piece of my heart stopped beating too.  The very short life of our tiny, little baby has forever changed me.  I will never look at the beauty and gift of life ever quite the same.  My heart still aches despite the healing God has done and will do.  I will always feel a part of me is missing until that most glorious and wonderful day when I will get to spend all of eternity, 'In the House of God Forever', with my beloved child.  Until that day comes I hold ever so closely to the two children I get to love on and hold tight to.  I find myself giving them even more kisses than before.  Remembering that each and every single day is a gift.  Never promised.  Never guaranteed.  Life is precious and I want to cherish each moment.

"A person's a person, no matter how small."  -Dr. Seuss