Friday, July 20, 2012

Chugga, Chugga, Choo-choo!!!

Benjamin turned three this week and I can hardly believe it.  This year I let him choose between a tractor/truck cake and a train cake, and as you can see he opted for the train.  Oh, and chocolate cake was a definite must as well!  We started the day off with some birthday cake for breakfast (hey, there's nothing wrong with having cake for breakfast one day out of the year, right?) and since he spotted it hiding in the oven first thing that morning I couldn't make my little boy wait after hearing and seeing his excitement at the cake he'd been waiting days to finally see!  Then one of his favorite buddies came over to play with him for the morning.  More cake was eaten after lunch and then the day continued as normal with lots of presents given throughout, the best was saved for last - the coolest Thomas the train toy ever seen.  It was a special day for a very special little boy!  Since we celebrated his birthday with Steve's family on our trip, having a big party with two of his cousins, there was no need really to give him another party at home. 

 Benjamin continues to melt my heart multiple times a day with his sweet affection, innocent smiles, and deep, all-knowing eyes.  He's an old soul with a tender heart.  Unlike his sister, he's reserved in his affections for others, shy at first, however once he's opened up, you discover the most animated and expressive, goofy little boy ever!  Oh, and he's incredibly smart too (and no I am not being biased at all)!  Warning however: Brag Alert about to begin.  :)  My little boy can sing his ABC's nearly perfectly, count from 1-20, and is an absolute genius at puzzles.  Seriously it is amazing what this kid can do when you hand him a 24 piece jig-saw puzzle that he's never seen before and after 5-10 minutes he has mastered it on his own.  I think the word I'm looking for right now is..... BRILLIANT!  His favorite things at the moment are trains (obviously), play-doh, legos and Curious George.

Benjamin looks out for his little sister Gracie and instead of tattling on her, he has now taken it into his own hands to simply tell her "no" on my behalf.  It is so funny and so cute to watch the love/hate relationship between them go back and forth.  Lately however it has been more love than hate, which is always good for this mommas heart.  Lot's of hugs and kisses.  Even more giggles and sqeals of joy.  And let's not forget the screaming matches they like to have with eachother just for fun!  My oh my, I am so very blessed to have a sweetheart like Benjamin as my little guy - I love you buddy!


  1. Beautiful tribute to a very special 3 years old! I really want to come and spend time with him and play with Thomas...
