Wednesday, May 18, 2011

God Knows Best!

Perhaps some of you remember that Steve and I came very, very close to buying our first house last summer.  In the end it didn't work out, which is a long story in itself ... we decided to back out at the time because there were too many question marks and not enough peace.

House hunting was such an emotional process (heightened by the pregnancy hormones) and it left me feeling very drained.  I desperately wanted to buy a house and get settled before Grace was born.  My instinct to nest was on level high!  When it became apparent that buying a house wasn't going to happen at that time, I was extremely sad & disappointed.  Desperate to know why it didn't work out for me to get the desire of my
heart - a house for my family to grow up in - I asked God, "Why"?  Not getting a straight answer, Steve and I both agreed that it just wasn't the right timing and that it wasn't the right house.

Well, God did in fact answer us and it happened last week when Steve was told by a friend that the house we almost bought is now in foreclosure, has a flooded basement and received very significant damage to the outside of the house due to a large tree branch falling on the roof during the winter storms.  Praise God we were spared from owning that home and dealing with all those problems!  After hearing this news from Steve I once again was so amazed by the Lord's protection in our lives.

It's so encouraging and faith-building to know we have a God that goes before us.  One who knows all things - past, present, and future.  A Father who wants the best for us and desires to protect us from unforseen circumstances.  Unfortunately, we are not always going to get an answer to our "why?" questions.  But for me, remembering this experience will help me trust that God knows what's best for me and will help me get through the times that I don't get an answer from Him.  He sees what I cannot see.  He is a good and loving God, who gives His children good gifts.  And I believe that whatever answers we don't receive here in this life, we will surely receive in Heaven!

Side Note:

It's funny how God works, but I had just finished writing this post when I went to read my devotions for the day and was struck with amazement when I realized that my post and my devotion were on the same subject!  Very cool when that stuff happens!  Here is an excerpt from my devotions:

"God may answer your prayer with a resounding yes..... God may answer your prayer with a no.  But a no doesn't mean he doesn't care.  If your toddler asks if he can play in the street, you of course say no.  And you say no because you care, not because you don't.  The same goes for our heavenly Father.  He has a reason for His answer .....

God may answer your prayer with a "Wait".  God has a perfect plan and timing for events in our lives and we must be patient.  That's difficult when the days turn into months .... but we must never doubt God.  He will respond when the time is right.  God wants us to have an intimate relationship with Him; His Spirit within guides us through each step, even when the days are difficult."

-Linda Taylor
from Santuary: a devotional Bible for Women

1 comment:

  1. OMG Jen what a story!! That was awesome! Thanks for the encouragement.
