Friday, April 8, 2011

Mornings Mercies

I must admit, I am one of those annoying morning people.  I can't help
it - it runs in my blood, from my dad's side!  I love mornings and I
always have (except during my teen years of course).  There's
something so refreshing and hopeful about the morning.  A brand new day.
A clean slate.  Mornings are so still and peaceful ... add a fresh cup
of perfectly brewed coffee and I'm all ready for the day.

I think it's definitely to my advantage that I enjoy mornings so much
being a mom.  It seems kids are morning people too, as they are usually
early to rise, sometimes a little too early even for me (waking up at
6am is fine with me, but go any earlier and I'm not too thrilled)!
Anyway, it wasn't until motherhood that a whole new appreciation for
mornings grabbed a hold of me.

This past month or so has been very difficult for me.  Our family has
been sick non-stop with different colds and illnesses and it feels like
we cannot catch a break.  I believe that maintaining balance in our
lives is really key to being content, but achieving balance lately has
not been possible.  I mean, being cooped up in our apartment, taking
care of the kids 24-7, it all gets to me after awhile.  Socializing with
anyone is out of the question when you've got very sick children, and who's got
the energy anyway when no one's getting any sleep.  Not to mention this
winter has been the winter that never ends!  I have literally not gone
for a walk outside for 6 months.  That is CRAZY! 

Needless to say, my patience level is quite thin right now, and I'm not the mother I wish to be on most days.  I'm so easily frustrated & frazzled, and I hate being that way.  By the end of the day I often feel like a failure to my family.  I feel guilty for being annoyed with my toddler.  And I hate myself for swearing underneath my breath when I find myself frustrated once again.

But then God gave me this scripture:

The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
His mercies never cease.
Great is His faithfulness;
his mercies begin afresh each morning.
I say to myself, "The Lord is my inheritance;
therefore, I will hope in Him!"

Lamentations 3:22-24 (New Living Translation)

Oh, what a promise He gives us!  What hope it gives me to start each
morning forgiven and loved!  To know His mercies are new every single
morning is such a relief.  Now I start my mornings with a deep breath of
gratitude toward my Father.  No longer stuck in yesterday's failures, I
can start my day knowing He is not only by my side, but on my side too.
Helping and encouraging me along the way.

1 comment:

  1. WOW ....

    I am blown away, and I am so in love with you honey!!
