Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring is Here.....FINALLY!

I cannot describe how wonderful it feels to have all the windows open right now.  The fresh breeze is gently blowing through the house along with the pretty chirps from all the birdies outside.  I'm loving it!  It's amazing how quickly the weather changed for us here.  On Friday morning it was snowing outside my window but by Saturday it was 6o degrees and sunny!  It was a perfect spring weekend and I am thrilled that it has finally arrived. 

Unfortunately, not only did springtime arrive over night but so did those pesky springtime allergies.  I'm just so thankful I can take allergy medicine this year, because for the last two years I've been pregnant and haven't had that luxury.  Anyway, I got to put my new double stroller to use for the first time this weekend and it was so much fun!  Our family of four walked to the nearby playground at a local church and Gracie slept while Benjamin ran around and played on the slides and swing.  It was so fun to watch him play.  At first he seemed so uncertain of what to do.  I think it's been so long that he's been able to play outside that he forgot what to do!!  But in no time he was quickly running around and enjoying every second of it.

Walking has always been my favorite way to exercise and pushing 60 lbs. while I'm doing it makes for a pretty good workout!  The lady who sold it to me said she lost all her extra baby weight with this stroller, at which I said, "SOLD - I'll take it"!  I've got 25 lbs. to lose in order to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight before Benjamin and I'm planning on making that happen this summer!  But more than the physical and vain side of it all lies a deep, deep gratitude.  For many years, one of the deepest desires of my heart was to have children and be a mother.  And as I cared for many other children over the years I always yearned for the time it would finally happen for me.  So here I am, pushing my two babies in a double stroller!  It sure puts a smile on my face.  A really big smile!

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