Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Real Confidence

Only recently has mainstream media started covering this story. But in
my world, it has been talked about for a couple of months now: the
impending "Government Shutdown."  Usually, it is when things directly
affect you that you are more aware of them.  This is probably the case
for many Americans in this instance (unless you're a news junkie), to
know that there is a strong possibility that there will be a partial
government shutdown this Friday.  Many people could lose their jobs,
either temporarily or permanently.  One of those people is my husband.

This is not new territory for us.  We have been down this road of
uncertainty together before when Steve, among many at his job in
Florida, was laid off a few years ago.  It seemed the timing couldn't
have been any worse, as we were 4-months pregnant with Benjamin.  But it
was during that uncertain time that I grew closer to my husband and
definitely closer to God.  And as always, God came through for us.  He
is our provider, and a very good one too!

So here we are again.  Steve's job is not as secure as we would like at
this moment, but that is life.  We do not put our trust in his job.  Our
confidence does not come from this world and it certainly doesn't come
from our government!  We trust God will take care of us, just like he
always has.  Real confidence comes from Him.

To read more about the possible government shutdown, click on this link:

1 comment:

  1. Who would have thought that a US Govy job wouldn't be secure!?! You are so absolutely right, our hope comes from Jesus, and these things become little blips in the larger story God is telling. Thanks for sharing, we love you guys.
